5 Steps For a Successful Move

Mar 12, 2025
trusted advisors

Buying your first home is an incredible achievement and should be one of the most exciting times of your life, but it can also be stressful. For first-time homebuyers, there are so many unknowns and the cost of making a mistake can be very high. Not to worry; the best way to face uncertainty is with a plan, and we’ve put together a step-by-step roadmap to ensure your first move is a successful one!

Step 1: Map it out

Take an inventory of your current place and all your possessions, then draw a map of your new place (if you’re willing to spend a couple bucks, there are lots of apps that can do this for you). With the map as a visual, see how your current items will fit in your new space. This will give you a good idea of what can be left behind and what you’ll need to buy.

Step 2: The purge

For some people, purging can be a difficult experience, but it’s well worth it in the end. Not only will purging cut down on the amount of stuff you’ll need to move but also it will give you a chance to inventory and organize what you’re keeping. 

When purging, the general rule of thumb is that if you haven’t worn or used it in the past year—donate it! No sense holding on to items that aren’t being used and are only going to take up space at your new home. If you’re holding on to items for sentimental value, remember that memories reside in your mind, not in objects. If you have items that you simply cannot part with for sentiment reasons, try to find a way to display them (such as in a shadow box or display case) rather than having them tucked away in a box or drawer, never to be seen again.

Step 3: Inventory

After completing your purge, inventory the items you’re keeping so you know exactly what you’re bringing to your new home and what you’ll need to purchase. Along with your map, this will make both packing and unpacking much easier and remove a lot of stress from your actual moving day.

Step 4: Pack it up

Leaving packing to the last 24 hours can be a nightmare, but you also don’t want to pack away daily-use items too soon. 

For the best packing experience, start with items you won’t need to use before your move such as out-of-season clothes, photo albums, linens, artwork/decor, and anything else that can be conveniently packed away until moving day. For an easier unpacking experience, pack like items together and make sure to clearly label boxes. 

Before the final 24 hours, prepare and label the boxes you’re going to need so it’s simply a matter of placing items in their correct box and taping everything up. 

For more tips on moving and packing, check out this helpful YouTube video:


Step 5: Give yourself a break

Moving can be—and usually is—exhausting. Give yourself a break and don’t try to take on the world in one day. For instance, especially if you have a family, plan to eat dinner out the first night so you’re not pressured to unpack all your kitchen stuff the first night. Also, perhaps plan an evening activity out such as bowling or going to the movies as you may not have entertainment options at home set up. 

For an average-sized home, unpacking can take at least a week. If you’re waiting on furniture or need to paint/clean some spaces, it can take even longer. Rome wasn’t built in one day and your new home doesn’t need to be ready in one day, either. Plan for at least a week, if not longer, of unpacking and if you need to—take a break!